Stocks are a form of investment that represents ownership in a company. It is a way to get a "piece" of a company and potentially earn a return on that investment through dividends and capital appreciation. Shares of listed companies can be bought and sold on exchanges such as the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), London Stock Exchange (LSE), Frankfurt (FSX), Athens Stock Exchange (XAA) and others.
An important consideration when investing in stocks is whether one will invest in a group of stocks (Portfolio) or choose one or two specific stocks. Modern theories have shown us that a group or otherwise an investment portfolio of stocks, when created methodically and with proper management, reduces the risk due to dispersion and increases its potential return. This has to do with the stock picks and the strategy to be implemented.
In order to create his investment portfolio, the investor should open an investment account at HellasFin.
Step 1: The investor's investment profile will be investigated
Step 2: He will be identified, and the financial profile will be created
Step 3: The MiFID II contract will be signed as defined by the relevant legislation and the investment account will be opened.
Step 4: Transfer money and the portfolio creation begins.
- We research and evaluate every quarter, and also occasionally if necessary, 1500 listed companies. In this way we arrive at the shares that we will define as selected for investment.
- We choose which of them correspond to the investor's profile and which will structure the portfolio.
- We execute the transactions to build the investment portfolio.
- We hold the securities and cash at BNP Paribas, Paris.
- We inform the investor of every movement of his portfolio, via the HellasFin electronic platform and via email.
- We withhold taxes if necessary, and remit them to the Greek tax authority.
- We send a tax report and cost breakdown every year.
- We undertake the crediting of dividends to the investor's account.
From the HellasFin web platform. Watch the relevant video here.
In addition, we apply all the necessary information actions to the investor,
- Send an SMS for the execution a transaction
- Email documents for all transactions
- Emailing a monthly periodic report
Επιγραμματικά οι κίνδυνοι από την επένδυση σε Μετοχές:
- Κίνδυνος µεταβλητότητας
- Κίνδυνος της εκδότριας εταιρίας
- Κίνδυνος µερισµάτων
- Συναλλαγµατικός Κίνδυνος
- Λοιποί κίνδυνοι
- Γενικοί επενδυτικοί κίνδυνοι
Αναλυτικά οι κίνδυνοι επένδυσης σε μετοχές εδώ.
- Transaction costs (execution and settlement)
- Custody costs
- Investment service fees (depending on the portfolio or service)
Every year an analysis of the expenses incurred in the previous year is issued.
Once you decide on the investment, contact us to give you a specific cost breakdown.
If you owned less than 0.5% of the company's share capital, then you are exempt from profit/capital gains tax. If you held more than 0.5%, then you are taxed at 15% on profits/capital gains.
But let's not forget the share sales tax, 0.10%, regardless of profits or not
Details on the taxation of financial instruments can be found here.
Depending on the investment portfolio you choose. There are solutions even starting from €100 investment. Once you decide where to invest, ask us about the minimum investment amount.
Regarding the more general safeguarding of investors' capital/money:
- Securities and money belonging to clients are registered in HellasFin's custodian, in a client account separate from its own account (implementation of MIFiD's own asset segregation requirement)
- Customer accounts, according to bankruptcy law, are not part of a company's bankruptcy estate, so their contents are not at risk of being seized by creditors
- For investors who have an account in HellasFin's custody account, coverage of up to €30,000 per investor is valid from the *Investment Services Guarantee Fund of Greece.
* The purpose of the Investment Services Guarantee Fund is to pay compensation to investors, in the event of a definitive or irreversible inability of a participating member to fulfill the following obligations:
- to return to investors the funds it owes to them or belongs to them and which it holds on their behalf in connection with investment services, or
- to return to investors securities owned by them and which it holds or manages on their behalf in connection with investment services.
A basic condition for the safeguarding of investors' funds is the orderly operation of the investment company:
- HellasFin has capital adequacy above the minimum required
- Every quarter its capital adequacy is supervised by the Capital Market Commission. The relevant reports are made public
- No credit is provided to customers and transaction costs are prepaid, so there is no exposure to counterparty risk