The investor can create his own investment portfolio starting with €100. The objective of investing is to collect and build capital.
It strengthens the portfolio gradually, ideally with monthly payments. The HellasFin manager invests the capital in the main global equity ETFs.
- Invests small amounts at low cost!
- He interrupts the investment whenever he wants, without "penalty"!
- Its returns have no tax liability!
Read in detail about the investment mechanism HERE.
- We choose which ETFs correspond to the investor's profile to structure the portfolio.
- We execute the transactions to build the investment portfolio.
- We hold the securities and cash at Piraeus Bank.
- We inform the investor of every movement of his portfolio, via the HellasFin electronic platform and via email.
- We send a tax report and cost breakdown every year.
- iShares Dow Jones Indust Average UCITS ETF
- iShares Core S&P 500 UCITS ETF
There is no payment commitment. Build up whenever you can and stop investing whenever you want.
From the HellasFin web platform. Watch the relevant video here.
In addition, we apply all the necessary information actions to the investor,
- Send an SMS for the execution a transaction
- Email documents for all transactions
Emailing a monthly periodic report
No, it is not taxable because they are UCITS ETFs.
Example for €100 investment every month, for 12 months for the 1st year:
The total annual costs will be approximately €16.50. There may be slight deviations.
Regarding the more general safeguarding of investors' capital/money:
- Securities and money belonging to clients are registered in HellasFin's custodian, in a client account separate from its own account (implementation of MIFiD's own asset segregation requirement)
- Customer accounts, according to bankruptcy law, are not part of a company's bankruptcy estate, so their contents are not at risk of being seized by creditors
- For investors who have an account in HellasFin's custody account, coverage of up to €30,000 per investor is valid from the *Investment Services Guarantee Fund of Greece.
* The purpose of the Investment Services Guarantee Fund is to pay compensation to investors, in the event of a definitive or irreversible inability of a participating member to fulfill the following obligations:
- to return to investors the funds it owes to them or belongs to them and which it holds on their behalf in connection with investment services, or
- to return to investors securities owned by them and which it holds or manages on their behalf in connection with investment services.
A basic condition for the safeguarding of investors' funds is the orderly operation of the investment company:
- HellasFin has capital adequacy above the minimum required
- Every quarter its capital adequacy is supervised by the Capital Market Commission. The relevant reports are made public
- No credit is provided to customers and transaction costs are prepaid, so there is no exposure to counterparty risk
Get started with the Expression of Interest
An executive of ours will contact you to inform you
Το περιεχόμενο είναι μόνο για ενημέρωση και πληροφόρηση και δεν αποτελεί επενδυτική συμβουλή. Η απόδοση των επενδύσεων στο παρελθόν, δεν εγγυάται ανάλογη ή καλύτερη απόδοση στο μέλλον. Στις αποδόσεις δεν έχει υπολογιστεί το κόστος των επενδύσεων. Η επένδυση σε χρηματοπιστωτικά μέσα εγκυμονεί κινδύνους.